Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wow! Where Have I Been?

It's only been about 6 months since my last blog entry...and I know you've missed me! NOT!
You see I totally forgot I had started chronicling thoughts from my pea-sized mass of grey matter. I got so caught up in "stuff" I basically took a detour from journaling...and frankly, really had nothing to say. Which is a practice I wish some people would practice. Am I one of those people? Perhaps. But do I care? Not really! Writing is fun. It's something I did in college every day. Forcing myself to write something...anything. Now I'm into writing nothing. But I've got to get back in the habit if I want to finish that great American novel I started so long ago. So for no other reason, here are a few words to limber up the fingers.

My wife gave me a Kindle for Christmas. I love that thing. It has taken me back to a true love--reading. In the last three months I have powered down a diversified list of reading matter. Here's my reading list for Sonny 101 this semester:
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes--Arthur Conan Doyle
Blown Coverage--Steve Yohn & Jason Elam
Conspiracy in Kiev--Noel Hynd
The Lost Symbol--Dan Brown
Autobiography of a Yogi--Paramhansa Yogananda
The Call of the Wild--Jack London
Exposure--Brandilyn Collins
I, Alex Cross--James Patterson
Monday Night Jihad--Steve Yohn & Jason Elam
The Paris Vendetta--Steve Berry
The Red Badge of Courage--Stephen Crane
and finally....
Not Without Hope--Jere Longman. It's about the four guys--two from the NFL--whose boat capsized off the coast of Tampa. The lone survivor, Nick Schuyler, describes the 43-hour ordeal and relives the moments of watching his three friends die at the hand of an angry sea. It's a story of survival, inspiration, friendship and courage. An unbelievable read.

Besides exercising my mind, I have been exercising my fingers on my tenor ukulele. And remember, it's not "you-kah-lay-lee" it's "ou-kah-lay-lee!" I know, I know, how old school is that? But this lil' axe makes me smile. You can't help but grin ear-to-ear while you're pickin' out Stairway to Heaven on a uke.

Have also been looking for alternative methods of exercise to keep my cardiologists happy. Matter of fact. Check out the video.

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