Friday, June 12, 2009

Lazy Blogger

I have been one lazy blogger. Sorry about that. But I've really had nothing to say. Even! There was something! It happened out of my pie hole because I am preparing to sign a check to the plumber for a newly installed water heater. Damn! In the day I could easily put one of these bad boys in. Now, though, I'm either too lazy, too old, too sore, too weak, too afraid that after I try I'll have to have the plumber come out anyway and repair my repair job. The older I get the more this happens lately. But the great part is with age you don't give a damn as much. When I was younger I had perfectionist tendencies (that still linger, slightly.) But now? Hell I could have installed the water heater. Connected it to my digital cable. Had the cold going to hot and vice versa. And left a stick of dynamite next to the pilot light. As long as Monday morning at 3AM when I got into the shower, there was some semblance of "warmish" water, I would have done the Snoopy Dance. But alas, I don't even try anymore. You see, when I "f" up now it's usually larger than life...or nearly so. A few weeks ago I was trying to put a few new cedar boards on my dilapidated fence and nearly took a knuckle off my thumb with a Skil Saw. That wakes a guy up! This would have never happened in my youth...but now, stuff like that hinders everything I attempt. I use to be "the handyman" in my wife's eyes. Now I'm just the guy who strokes the check. Hell, I don't even make the phone call to set up the plumber appointment. I may accidentally call Pizza Hut and order 12 pepperoni P-Zones! Which, to quote the late, great Chris Farley, would be "AWESOME!" So back to this job supervisor has advised me to become a Twitterererer! Yeah, that's right! I am becoming the king of the Tweets. (Follow me at sonnywest.) Gotta run and pay the plumbing piper. Be back later.

Can you say "adios $12 hundred bucks?"

The plumber Dan, from Ideal Plumbing really did a good job. All the fittings fit, all the pipes piped, no gas leaks, no water leaks...and it took him 4 hours to complete the job. Had I undertaken this little projects....besides 43 trips to Home Depot...the water heater would be installed horizontally and the ripe odor of natural gas would be something we'd just have to learn to live with. Gotta light?

So getting back to being the master Twitterererer....this social application is the newest media darling but to be honest with you, in my humble opinion (IMHO), why am I wasting time with it? Is it something that's gonna make me a better morning radio guy? Is it something that's gonna translate into $$$ to help pay for my water heater? Is it something that will be beyond passe in 6 months? But the boss said jump into the Twitter I went in head first. Ow! Think I cracked my dome on a "hash tag." (Not even gonna' try and explain that one.) A survey recently came out indicating that 90% of all Tweets (that's what socially networked who-hahs call messages on Twitter) are created by 10% of the users...and...that most who sign up on Twitter are abandoning their Twit-sonality within 30 days. So Re-Tweet that to someone who cares. But I'm making the most of my time with all the Twits. Just not spending a lot of it. You'll never catch a Tweet from me telling you I prefer Hidden Valley Ranch Fat Free Dressing on my sweet potato fries because I really don't think you care one way or another. But I will Tweet interesting tidbits happening around San Diego and to San Diegans.

Jeez, for not having anything to say I sure am blubbering along. So I'll stop now and try to stop in again sometime sooner than the 60 days between my last blog entry.

Enjoy whatever you want to enjoy. Find cheer from it and never hold me accountable. Now go Tweet and be happy. Or not!

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